It is very simple and easy way to improve beauty of your lips by creating an attractive smile. Many people mostly are not enough fortunate to have naturally pink lips rather to have pale as well as dark lips which not enough be attractive.

Moreover, lips which become dark can appear due to many reasons which include direct contact to sun rays, stress, humid temperature, low blood circulation, usage of low standard inferior, failing to the eliminate lipstick, illness, weather ignorance and many more. Here are some home remedies which can be easily found in kitchen to get pink lips:
1. Lips Moisturization
It is a fact that skin of our lips contain a small quantity of oil, so it is very important for you to provide desired moisturization to your lips to remain pink and healthy. So moreover it is very important to note that if your are going to leave home, apply a bit of lip balm or petroleum jelly. You can also use cocoa butter if you are not having lip balm or petroleum jelly. This will result to get your lips pink and soft as well.

2. Usage of Milk and Pomegranate Seeds
It should be kept in mind that there is an another procedure to get pink lips, we should use pomegranate seed to get pink lips, this is very simple procedure towards lightening shady and tedious lips. You will start to note down progress of your lips if you use these home remedies on the regular basis. There will be no side effect of using these remedies.
3. Cucumber Juice
There is also another way to make lips glossy, shiny and pinkish is to apply just a bit of cucumber juice. Take a slice of cucumber, rub these slices against your lips and soak your lips for some time in cucumber juice. It is important to keep in mind that just do this process for five minutes only, to darken your lips into beautiful pink color.

4. Mixture Of Rose Petals into Milk
Rose petals are one of the amazing home remedies to get pink lips. Ust soak few rose petals in milk for some time. After soaking, make a paste of rose petals and milk adjoining very few drops of honey and glycerin. Now apply this paste on your lips and then wait for fifteen minutes before doing massage smoothly just take off it by applying milk. This mixture remedy of rose petals and milk will give wonderful results.
5. Lemon Juice Massage
There is also an another remedy which includes lemon and some sugar as well. Just cut thin slices of lemon, sprinkle few drops of lemon on top of sugar and rub this combination on your lips on the regular basis. This process will give amazing results as lemon works as natural bleach for your lips and as an exfoliate lifeless for your skin cells as well.
6. Berry Mixture
Raspberries or Berries as well as known as strawberries have wonderful and amazing benefits which are immense to solve the problems related to Chapped and Dark lips. In such situation what we can do is, just make mixture of raspberries and to apply this mixture with small amount of aloe vera and honey. After using this paste, leave for just 5 minutes and rinse it off as well as by replacing with lip balm which is home made. Raspberries contains a lot of minerals and vital vitamins which will keep your lips healthy and lively.

7. Mixture of Turmeric Powder with Milk
One of the best way for lightening shady lips came from India. It is fact that unprocessed mixture of milk and turmeric powder give amazing and wonderful results. On other hand, you will make an effort and try mixture of turmeric powder and gram flour to get light your lips.

8. Mixture of Sugar,Almond Oil,Honey
There is an another perfect remedy is, mixture of almond oil, honey and sugar. Use this mixture on your lips and massage for ten minutes. This will give wonderful results.