Real estate market in India is moving in a very positive way, after long correction of prices. Earlier market was full of investors not actual buyers or people who need property for their personal use.
Here are some points to tell you about Real estate market in India:
These investors invested huge money that includes both black and whitemoney, creating huge imbalance of ROI i.e return on investment, whichwent Incredibly low. People were joining rat race of investing moneywithout bothering about their profit as rent or business output, justdreaming of finding buyer who will pay them handsome profit.
Now that phase of realty is over, now we are getting only real buyers with real requirements. With boost from Indian new government, bank are in good mood to help these genuine buyers by offering them minimum rate of interest on maximum possible amount as a loan. On the same time more builders and developers are coming up with new real life offers, keeping in mind the actual requirements and affordability of clients.
Another factor boosting clients moral is ease of finding newproperties online. Number of portals like realtybang.comare coming up every day with new innovative ideas, helping people finding property of their choice and that too sitting in air conditioned rooms. These portals are having huge database that is not feasible for a property consultants to maintain as an individual or even as a company.
Secondly, they are catering wide variety of properties available at different locations in different cities and even states. People are able to check out price pictures and compare it with their choices and available budget.
Recently I was really impressed with offer from one of the builder,
where in they were offering us office space and price of the space was
adjusted in such a way that we just need to pay amount almost equivalent to rent being paid by us in our present rented accommodation. So for us it was spending almost the same monthly
amount, but office will be ours in almost next 10 years. Really great.
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