As per the name MOBILE SEO meaning of mobile is clear and SEO stands for “search engine optimization”.Thus,concludingwith the definition as a combination of search engine optimization and of mobile marketing.
Bryson Meunier is SEO director at Vivid Seats an SEO veteran with more than 14 years experience in both agency and in-house.
What is the work of SEO and why we need it?
It is used to improve the volume and quality of traffic to website by natural means such as organic or algorithmic.It is also used to improve the volume and quality of traffic to digital content from search engines using natural search results to those entering mobile queries.
Forward thinking is now towards focussing on indexing any type of content relevant to mobile user including web,pages,applications,desktop web pages,images,feeds etc and optimizing for mobile queries.Vertical search engine is also done here that includes index mobile content such as ringtones and wallpapers and optimizing search engine for them.
Due to the implementations that have been accomplished:
The average handset is more capable,the operators data networks are more reliable,data plans more affordable and much more mobile-friendly techniques are there.Some steps to make mobile search engine optimization better:
Make it mobile states mobile optimization and search optimization go hand-in-hand.Make the most of mobile states using ‘ mobile devices’ unique capabilities to serve your visitors better.Mobile is different states mobile and PC users search for different things.Good housekeeping states apply the basic rules of Web design and SEO will follow.Content is king states the three stages of compelling content.Mobile friendly states use the type of mobile site that suits your customers and requirements.Make it local states locality and timeliness is more important to mobile searchers than PC searchers.Make it social states make it easy for people to recommend you.Make it fast states your mobile site should load on a smartphone in 1 second.
Don’t hide content in apps states Web search engines can’t search in-app content.Get discovered states it’s not only about search engines nor it is only about the web.
As per the recent studies adopting successful mobile SEO strategy will give your organization competitive advantages.All major search engines recently started including a number of new factors and requirements to rank the websites through mobile.So,in addition to provide experience ,companies need also to consider the technical setup,speed of the site,content parity and much more in their SEO strategy. A study by Nielsen on behalf of google found that 74 percent of mobile users utilize search engines during purchase process and 84 percent intend to make purchase within a day.