PTE Listening Module

PTE Listening Format: The listening section of the PTE Academic is stretched over 30 to 43 minutes of duration. This one is designed to determine the ability to understand spoken English by the candidate. Here, the student needs to ascertain that they carefully hear the audio file played and retain what they heard. This section is divided into 8 segments and the time given to each segment is as follows.

Section overview

PTE Listening Section Question TopicsPTE Questions per taskDuration per task
Summarize spoken text1 – 260-90 seconds to retain 50-70 words, 10 minutes to write
Multiple choice, multiple answers1 – 240-90 seconds for prompt
Fill in the blanks2 – 330-60 seconds
Highlight correct summary1 – 230-90 seconds
Multiple choice, single answer1 – 230-60 seconds
Select missing word1 – 220-70 seconds
Highlight incorrect word2 – 315-50 seconds
Write from Dictation3 – 43-5 seconds
Total questions12 – 20Time Allocation: 30 – 43 minutes