Nowadays cracked heels problem is very common problem and can range up in severity from cosmetic issue to painful problem.
In an addition to thickened and dry skin, cracked feet may be accompanied by some common symptoms like peeling skin, inflammation, itching and redness. Taking right precautions can prevent cracks getting more deeper and causing pain and bleeding.
There are number of home remedies for cracked feet which you can try to resolve this problem.
Vegetable Oil : A number of different variety of vegetable oils can be used to prevent and treat cracked heels. Hydrogenated vegetable, Coconut oil, Sesame oil and Olive oil work very well. You can use this remedy before going to sleep in night for the better results.
– Soak your feet properly in soapy water and then scrub your feet using pumice stone.
– Thoroughly wash your feet and dry them.
– Apply any of the vegetable oil on your soles and heels.
– Put a pair of neat and clean socks and leave them overnight when you sleep. In next morning your heels on feet will be softer.
– Now repeat this process for few days until cracks on feet turns over in softer form completely.

Rice Flour : Molting skin on feet and heels will help to remove the dead skin.Rice flour is used as a part of homemade molting scrub.
– To prepare rice scrub, mix ground rice with few teaspoons of apple vinegar and honey. Stir properly until it becomes thick paste. If cracking on feets is too bad, then add a tablespoon of sweet almond oil and olive oil.
– Properly soak your feet for 10 minutes in warm water and then softly scrub rice flour paste.
– Repeat this process for few times a week until you get satisfied results.

Indian Lilac : Indian lilac, also known as neem, this is an effective remedy for cracked feet, especially at the time when feet infected and itchy. Neem is specialized treatment to fight with infection, irritated skin and soothes the dry skin soothes dry.
– Crush handful of Indian Lilac leaves to prepare a very fine paste and later add 3 teaspoons of turmeric powder and then mix this very well.
– Now apply this paste on cracks and leave for about half an hour.
– Now wash your feet using warm water and then dry feet with clean cloth.

Lemon : Acidic property of lemons is very much effective in softening the rough skin which leads to the cracking.
– Soak your feet properly for 10-15 minutes in the warm water using lemon juice which is added to it. Be keep one thing in mind that you should avoid using hot water, which may cause feet to dry more.
– Scrub your heels using pumice stone.
– Now wash your feet and dry them using towel.

Glycerin and Rosewater: Combination of Glycerin and rose water makes a very effective home treatment to heal cracked feet. Glycerin helps to soften skin, this is the reason that it is added in cosmetics and whereas rose water adds Vitamins A, B3, C, D and E.
– Mix equal amount of rosewater and Glycerin properly and rub this mixture on feet on daily basis before going to bed.