Tips to get rid of Double Chin: We just all have tried our efforts best to hide double chin, while wearing a top with high neck or a scarf and to tilt our head in right side position when photo is clicked.
There is no denying here. Extra layer of tissue which is too much fatty is under our chin is mostly caused due to being overweight. A droop skin under chin can occur as soon as our age and skin start losing elasticity. This can be genetic.
There are number of different surgical procedures that are being used to eliminate double chin, as they can be much more expensive. There are many more simple home treatments which can be opted to get rid of double chin and these are painless and pocket friendly remedies.
Here are some Tips to get rid of Double Chin:
1. Sugar Free Gum
It is an essential to have facial muscles toned and to give muscles into your jaw line as a workout.The very best way to reduce chin is to chew a sugarless gum. Sugarless gum helps to maintain gums and healthy teeth. Chewing a sugarless gum several times a day help to reduce double chin in short period of time.
2. Cocoa Butter
Regular usage of cocoa butter is also helpful, so it will improve elasticity of skin and helps to get rid of double chin.
A slight warm of few tablespoons of cocoa butter in microwave.
Gentle massage of cocoa bitter over your neck with help to reduce double chin.
Repeat this process for twice a day, like before taking bath in morning and going to bed in night.
Regular massage on neck with wheat germ oil is another way to get rid from double chin.
Wheat germ oil has good properties of Vitamin E which help to nourish and help to tighten skin.
Rub wheat germ oil around chin before going to bed.
Massage oil gently on upwards side from bottom of neck to chin for 10-15 minutes.
Leave oil for overnight on your skin.
Repeat this process to improve in appearance of your double skin.
4. Egg White
A mask of egg white can great help to get rid of double chin because egg white help to tighten skin. Egg white is good for overall health of skin.
Whisk properly two egg whites with one tablespoon of milk, lemon juice and honey.
Add few drops of peppermint oil.
Apply this mask on your skin around your neck and chin area.
Leave this mask for 30 minutes.
Now rinse this mask off using lukewarm water and dry your skin.
Do this process on daily basis for quick results.
5. Glycerin
You can use a natural mask which is made with glycerin to get rid of double chin.
Prepare a mask by taking a one tablespoon of glycerin, one half tablespoon of Epsom salt and very few drops of peppermint oil.
Use a cotton ball to apply this mixture over chin and neck area.
Leave this mask for several minutes so that it may be absorbed into skin.
Wash this area thoroughly using cool water.
Follow this process for three to five times in a week to gain positive results.
Chin Exercise help to stretch and to tone your face, neck and jaw muscles, which is very helpful to get rid of double chin. This will strengthen your neck muscles and chin
To keep your spine erect, it will slowly tilt you head back when you are looking at ceiling and the puck up you lips in a pout shape. Now hold this position for five counts and release. Repeat this process for 5-10 times. Follow this process at least for few weeks.
There is another exercise which involves turning of your head in clockwise and anticlockwise position to keep your spine straight. Follow this 5-10 times of this exercise around times a day for some weeks.
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