Social networking web sites are most visited web sites these days. People love to share pictures, video’s , web pages, audio files and everything they find interesting on the internet, with their friend and family members.
So here’ a list of top 10 most popular social networking web sites around the world you would like to explore.
1. Facebook : Facebook is on the top of the tally with Alexa rank 2. Used for sharing pictures , videos, chatting and having fun playing games with friends , has now become the favorite place for SEO web masters. According to one estimate Facebook is having around 900,000,000 unique visitors every single month.
2. Twitter : With estimated unique visitors around 310,000,000 twitter stands number two on our tally. Though users are restricted to limited number of characters per tweet, but addition of functions like adding photos has made twitter score 8th position in Alexa global rankings
3. Linkedin : Linkedin is quite popular among job seekers or you can say one network acting as a meeting place for companies looking for fresh or experienced employees and those seeking jobs. Positioned at 9th in global ranking, Linkedin is getting massive response of 255,000,000 unique visitors every month.
4. Pinterest : Pinterest is a place full of pictures with messages. People create board of their interest and pin their pictures on these boards. If you like some picture simply repin it , its like sharing or re-tweeting a message in the form of picture. It is just behind Linked in with approx 250,000,000 monthly unique visitors.
5. Google plus+ : A bit late product launched by the Search Engine giant Google, but it is catching up people’s attention now. People are creating company , brand, or personal pages to share content in the form of text , photo’s and even videos.
6. Tumblr : Tumblr again media sharing platform allowing users to share blog, pictures , videos , creating pages for their companies and allowing them to share it with others. It is a great web site for posting your web site pages links. We are ranking it to number 6 because it is having massive unique visitors every month, and that is approximately about 110,000,000.
7. Instagram : Instagram is a social media sharing network service provider for mobile users. It started in the year 2010. With about 100,000,000 unique users every month its first choice for sharing material on other networks like facebook , twitter and tumblr etc. Interesting thing about Instagram is, sign up problem which people keep on looking on their main web site page which displays only login link. For those we would recommend, download their App from App store and start using it.
8. VK : It is a favorite network for creating public and private groups and pages, among Russian speaking users. Amazing thing about this network is that in Europe it is second to facebook on popularity scales. 80,000,000 unique visitors visit this network every month. It was launched in 2006 and is available in around 70 different languages.
9. Flickr : Flickr is my favorite. It’s for storing your memorable pictures media and sharing it with people you want to share it with. With a small yearly package you will get space for saving your moments of life securely online.
10. Vine : Again social media sharing network acquired by Twitter just before official launch in 2012. I can see one thing interesting about it small videos restricted to be seven seconds long as Twitter do it with text to tweet can be shared on Twitter and facebook. Though its Alexa rank is not that good it’s around 1100, but people are visiting this network. Unique visitors to this network as per latest data we have is, around 42,000,000 visitors