Chilly winter days are not friendly with your hair or skin as winter sets in and most of us find that old problem of dandruff is damn back. Winter time is that time when air becomes dry and devoid of the moisture, causes dryness of skin as well as scalp. During winter our scalp get dry and flaky, which makes perfect bed for dandruff to get set in. However, this dandruff problem can be easily prevented using right measures. All that you need is to do to take care of hair during winter months and to follow with anti-dandruff regime just to ensure that dandruff don’t find home in your head.

Dandruff causes itching and scalp irritation and invites all other hair and scalp problems. Dandruff can prevent from wearing your favourite black jacket during winters and can be a huge point of embarrassment in public. In an addition to this, dandruff can work as primary cause of the hair fall, and really cannot be compromise with dandruff. Washing hair and using wet packs daily on hair in winters can be a difficult, but to keep hair as safe from dandruff that you accept those little difficulties. Below are some most effective home remedies that can prevent dandruff during winters:
Hot oil treatment to fight winter dandruff
Scalp dryness during winters stimulates dandruff to the great extent. So, to keep hair and scalp well moisturized during winter months is an effective prevention of dandruff. Heat up a steel container in the flame and remove it from flame, pour 1 spoon of almond oil, 1 spoon of coconut and olive oil. Mix these three oils very well and massage your hair and scalp thoroughly with oil mixture before going to bed during night. Wash off your hair using a mild shampoo in morning. Now follow this treatment on every alternate days and dandruff will stay away.

Tea tree oil with carrier oil for dandruff
Tea tree oil has very good natural anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties and can be very much effective in treating and preventing dandruff. So however, never use oil from tea tree directly onto your scalp:mix this with a carrier oil, like coconut oil or primrose oil in 1:2 proportions before massaging scalp with oil mixture. Just take massage before you go to bed at night and wash off hair in morning using a mild cleanser.

Aloe vera and lemon to moisture scalp & avoid dandruff in winter
An another effective home remedy to get rid of dandruff in winters can be prepared using Aloe Vera pulp and lemon juice. An aloe vera has moisturizing properties that can be effectively prevent scalp dryness and on the other side lemon juice is really a powerful agent with anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Take 2 spoons of fresh pulp from Aloe Vera leaves and add 1 spoon of lemon juice into it. Mix all the ingredients very well and massage mixture onto your scalp. Leave this for 30 minutes and wash with plain water or with a mild cleanser.

Baking soda to clear winter dandruff
Baking Soda works as a good clarifying shampoo for your scalp. This can clear any build up on scalp which can block pores and invites dandruff during winters. Baking Soda works very effectively, if you have already dandruff on your scalp. This agent simply cleans off scalp from any foreign agent. Now take 2 spoons of baking soda in your palms and rub gently onto your scalp. Leave for 3 minutes and wash off properly with mild warm water. There is no need to use shampoo.

Ginger juice
Ginger carries anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties and can work wonders in curing not only dandruff but also many more other scalp conditions. Make some fresh ginger juice by grating 2 inch ginger and apply juice onto your scalp using a cotton ball. Leave for 30 minutes and the wash off using mild shampoo. Ginger cures and prevents dandruff, so following this treatment twice in a month is very much effective to prevent dandruff during winters.