Property in India: Real estate bubble in expected to burst in the coming months, specially in the case of housing sector. Still some experts are of the view that property market in India will rise in the next ten years because of intense pressure by surging middle class for new big and better housing facilities. One more important factor is supply lags almost five plus years the demand, so that means bubble, which is by definition short time process cannot effect the potential real estate market in India.
Here are some points to tell you about Property in India:
As economy of our country is under intense pressure, it is directly impacting rather faltering realty market. In case of developed countries realty bubbles are created by central banks, just keep interest rates to very low levels, but in India’s case reasons are quite different. To know more about it, we need to analyze different regional markets.
Let’s start by Mumbai zone, here property is in demand, but prices are really high as compare to other cities and states. With shrinking spaces high rise buildings are replacing slums at a great pace. There are few areas with bungalows and big house but because of cost and security reason people are preferring flats with 24bX7 security.
As far heart of our country, Delhi is concerned, most of its burden was taken because of formation of NCR. Both Noida and Gurgaon are helping Delhi to relieve some pressure on to them.
If one is looking for agricultural land, small state of Punjab and sister state Haryana cater this section very well. For low budget investments one should think about Andra and Tamil where land prices are really low as compare to northern states.
You may know better ideas about Ludhiana real estate.